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What is the UCT Chess League?

UCT Chess league is a series of ranked online arenas,
that reward you with points for playing and placing in your skill group.
There are 4 groups (A,B,C,D) that divide players according to their performance and skill.
Players can earn up to 4 points in each arena.
The top 4 point gains for each player will determine the final league standings.

To see the leaderboard, click the button above!

UCT Chess League
Winter 2022 

We would love to invite you to chess league, happening during winter of 2022

This league, we added extra wednesday arenas, so more players can attend!


25.9.  - Sunday
12.10. - Wednesday
23.10. - Sunday
6.11.  - Sunday
16.11. - Wednesday
4.12.  - Sunday
18.12. - Sunday christmas arena
11.1.  - Wednesday new year arena
22.1.  - Sunday arena for double points

More detailed information will be added for upcoming events and arenas, ahead of their starting time, to all our platforms!


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